Monday, May 7, 2012

Hi friends,

It is a summertime goal to keep up with The Gospel Coalition (TGC) series: Commending the Classics. Please note that this is a summertime goal. That said, it is going to be difficult for me to keep up with the reading until the end of May.

My vision for this blog is to
- provide motivation for me to keep up with reading and actually think about what I'm reading
- share my thoughts with you all
- hear/read your thoughts

Since it is near-impossible to coordinate schedules, etc. for a book club, I thought I'd take a stab at this virtual book club. This blog might die out in a month or two. Maybe no one will post but me. But, I thought it was worth a shot.

Since I'm going to have trouble keeping up with the current reading, The Stranger, I thought I'd just link TGC's posts for those of you reading. Please feel free to comment. I look forward to reading them and hope this is nice place to share :)